June Update 2019

SAQF June President’s Corner
Overview:We have continued to get rare rain in May. Conditions look good for a decent desert quail hatch – keep your fingers crossed. We are still cold here in Southern AZ and hope to see warm weather soon.
“… the nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased and not impaired in value …” Theodore Roosevelt 1910
Access to public lands:Thanks to those that supported our May highway cleanup.
Officials from Coronado National Forest have selected a preferred route for a new road to open up the meadow valley closure and will be starting the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) assessment in the future. Do not expect this complete by next season.

Jim Littlejohn and Sarah Gandaria have met with ranchers to explain how SAQF working together with AZ G&F, NRCS, AZDEQ & USFS can help in improving habitat on their ranches.
We will attend a Habitat Partnership Committee (HPC) at the U of A this summer to work HPC grant opportunities this summer.
Expect volunteer opportunities at Buenos Aires NWR to resume in the fall.

AZ G & F
AZ G&F:Congratulations to Larisa Harding who has been selected as the new Small Game Program Supervisor. This is the job Wade Zarlingo previously held.
Larisa’s Bio:“I have a PhD in Evolutionary Biology from University of New Mexico, an M.S. in Zoology and a B.S. in Conservation Biology from Brigham Young University in Utah. I’ve worked on a variety of mammals and birds, from bats to black bears and quail to cormorants (as well as a variety of reptiles and insects). For the past 7 years, I’ve been the lead for the Terrestrial Research Program here at AZGFD. I’m a gypsy at heart and a transplant to AZ; I grew up in the Smoky Mountains of east TN, lived in the intermountain West during college and grad school, and lived and worked in central and northern Europe for a handful of years before landing in AZ. I’ve used hunting skills most of my life, shooting guns and stalking animals for many years with a camera before I started hunting for meat when I came to AZ. I went through the Desert Roses intro course to shotgun shooting and several seasons of the Cactus Wrens shooting leagues here in PHX and got hooked on sporting clays and decided to try my hand at bird hunting. I’ve enjoyed hunting squirrels, quail, pheasants, and rabbits, as well as several big game species. I love to climb mountains on foot or on a bike, backpack and trail ride, jog, travel and explore new country, and spend quality time with family and friends.
I look forward to meeting with the group this fall and working with you on several projects to benefit wildlife populations in AZ!Larisa”

Getting folks Outdoors
We received a $1870 grant from AZSFWC to support this years Family Day/Youth Hunt. We have a grant request into the Justin Corbet Foundation to support next years event and expect to get an answer in early June.

Chapter Meetings
Our regular meetings will again start in November. We had planned to hold the December meeting to Vail but the restaurant we considered has closed.
I have received a request for a vet presentation and for Kirby to talk about how to hunt quail. What else do you want to see?
AZ Sportsman for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC):SAQF has joined AZSFWC. You can sign up for their enews at http://azsfwc.org. This allows us to better coordinate with other wildlife groups.
Please consider purchasing a AZSFWC license plate to support wildlife when you renew your current AZ plate through ServiceArizona. The fee for this license supports the conservation grants provided by AZSFWC.
Chapter Website and Facebook: If you see an error or recommendation for improvement please let us know. We are always looking for pictures, stories or articles to add.

Brittany & GSP Puppies
Pat Nissen has a litter of Brittany pups. If you have an interest contact Pat at (314) 780-4977. She has a couple of males available that will be ready to go to new homes in mid June.Doug D’Amour is expecting a litter of GSPs in late June. Please contact Doug at damodoug@hotmail.com or 310-770-4706 if you have interest.

Future Dates
- 1 Sep Dove season opens
- 10 Jul HPC workshop at UofA
- 16/17 Aug PF/QF Western Chapter meeting Boise ID
- 11/12 Oct Scaled Quail Covey Count Bonita
- 18 Oct Desert Quail Opens
- 19/20 Oct TBD support AZ G&F check stations in Pinal County
- 21 Nov Chapter Meeting American Legion Sahuarita
- TBD Nov Fall Road Cleanup
- 6 Dec Mearns Opens
- 8 Dec QuailFest
- 12 Dec Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- 16 Jan 20 Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- 1 Feb 20 8th Annual Banquet Sonoita
- 9 Feb 20 Quail Closes
- 14-16 Feb Quail Classic Minneapolis
- 20 Feb 20 Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- TBD Feb 20 Winter Road Cleanup
- 29 Feb 20 Family Day/Youth Hunt
- 19 Mar 20 Chapter Meeting American Legion Sahuarita
- TBD 20 Chapter Officer Election Cycle