April Update

Please stay safe and sane during this crazy period with the COVID 19 virus. This is a great time to show compassion and understanding particularly for those dealing with medical or financial issues. Get on the phone or computer to connect with and support friends. Unless Arizona institutes a more restrictive shelter in place policy, you can still practice social distancing and get outdoors, which is good for your mental health and will help keep your dogs and you in shape.
There are reports of folks promoting and actually poaching as a way of getting food. The folks committing these actions are clearly not sportsmen, but this does indicate a heightened stress level during these difficult times. As conservationists we have contributed a century of our money, time, blood, sweat and self-regulation to restoring North American wildlife. We should consider how we can stay true to our legacy during these unprecedented times. We need to be leaders in our communities during these stressful times by speaking out and setting an example. Please promote good ethics and doing the right things for wildlife and following the law. If you have the means, consider providing assistance to help those folks in difficult situations.
We continue to get decent rainfall this winter that bodes well for better desert quail numbers next year assuming we get some spring rain to keep bug numbers up to feed chicks in their early days.

We are on contract with Borderlands Restoration to complete new loose rock dams in the borderlands grassland project led by Coronado National Forest. The rock dams will slow water flow, retain soil and improve habitat. We have one remaining volunteer date of April 4, our April 8 date has been cancelled. We will practice social distancing. This will be cancelled if Arizona adopts a stronger shelter in place policy. We will meet at Montezuma Pass at 8:30. Expect a follow on email with more detail.
Access to Public Lands:

We will continue to do our road cleanup on highway 82 to promote a positive image of the chapter and to keep Hog Canyon access off highway 82 open. AZ G&F and the HOA in Adobe Canyon have been unable to reach an access agreement. The private Adobe Canyon entrance road off highway 82 remains closed to the public. Adobe access is still available through Hog Canyon.
The conservation easement and public access easement on ranch land near Tombstone previously reported has been put on indefinite hold. We will move on and re-engage in this project if public access to the property can be secured.
Buenos Aires NWR:

The 10 person Americorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) crew working on quail habitat at BANWR has been recalled due to COVID 19.
Getting Folks Outdoors:

We plan to add a second field day to our Family Day next year. Sunday will be for adults only and be tied to a classroom program run by AZ G&F with our field portion culminating the program. Saturday will still be for youth and adults with a wide variety of stations. We have submitted a grant request to Justin Corbet Memorial Shooting Sports Foundation to support our Family Day next year and expect to work additional grants as we go forward.
Chapter Meetings:

Please send your inputs for desired speakers next season.
Volunteer Needs:

Please consider volunteering as a chapter officer to continue to move the chapter forward. We are in need of fresh candidates specifically to serve as treasurer, banquet chair and secretary. Without additional help we will not be able to continue at our current level.
We will start the process to vote for a new board starting in April. Election will follow the following process: nominations, seconds, acceptance of nominations and a ballot. Current chapter members will get an email requesting nominations in early April. If you believe you are an active member and do not get an email starting the election process, please contact Zack at soazqf@gmail.com.
Karen Klima from AZ G&F is looking for someone to write a 700 word story on bird hunting with dogs for the G&F Wildlife Views Magazine. The article is not due until early summer and you would get some help with editing. This would be a great way to get some press for your best friend.
AZ Sportsman for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC):
AZ Sportsman for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC):

SAQF is part of AZSFWC. You can sign up for their enews at http://azsfwc.org. This allows us to better coordinate with other wildlife groups and better communicate with AZ G&F leadership. We are part of over 10,000 AZ sportsman represented by this organization.
Please consider purchasing a AZSFWC license plate to support wildlife when you renew your current AZ plate through Service Arizona. The fee for this license supports the conservation grants provided by AZSFWC. Our Family Day has received AZSFWC grant support the last two years.
AZSFWC is raffling a new Ford Raptor truck to help pay overhead in place of raffles and auctions at their summit. Info on the raffle and tickets are available at http://azsfwc.org.A
Chapter Website, Facebook and Instagram

CIf you see an error or have a recommendation for improvement, please let us know. We are always looking for pictures, stories or articles to add. We have added instagram account to our social media offerings, please follow us on Social Media its a great way to stay connected .If you see something that would be worthwhile to cross post, please send it to Dave Brown (browndave27@gmail.com) or Kerry Newberry (newberry.kerry@gmail.com).
Future dates:

- 4 Apr Borderlands Volunteer Day and AZ public lands day
- Apr/May 2020 Chapter Officer Election Cycle
- 1 Jul 2020 New Board in Place
- 7/8 Aug 2020 Western Region Meeting Missoula, MT
- 16 Oct 2020 Desert Quail Opens
- 19 Nov 2020 Chapter Meeting Sahuarita
- 4 Dec 2020 Mearns Opens
- 6 Dec 2020 QuailFest Sonoita
- 10 Dec 2020 Chapter Meeting Sonoita
- 21 Jan 2021 Chapter Meeting Sonoita
- 30 Jan 2021 SAQF Banquet
- 7 Feb 2021 Quail Closes
- 18 Feb 2021 Chapter Meeting Sahuarita
- 27/28 Feb 2021 Family Day Empire Ranch