Posts Tagged ‘mearns quail’
Chapter Update -10-02-2017
A quick update to let folks know what is going on with your chapter in Southern AZ. Gambel’s and Scaled Quail seasons open on Friday. It will still be warm, recommend you get out early and take plenty of water for your dogs and you and don’t push it too long. We are working to…
Read MorePresident’s Corner
A quick update to let folks know what is going on with the chapter in Southern AZ. It’s still warm and our great monsoon season should wrap up soon. We have several volunteer opportunities as we start the new hunting year – let me know if your are able to help. We will be looking…
Read More06/15/2017 President’s Corner
A quick update to let folks know what is going on with the chapter in Southern AZ. It is toasty warm now but we got a little rain today. -Highway cleanup. We had 7 volunteers for our highway cleanup in early May. Thanks to those that helped out. Our next cleanup is planned in Nov.…
Read MoreMearns Quail Study
PROPOSAL JUSTIFICATION: Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) are typically regarded as an oak woodland species reaching their greatest abundance in Madrean Evergreen woodlands (Brown 1989). Montezuma quail have also been observed in Arizona in a variety of conifer and mixed conifer habitats on and below the Colorado Plateau at elevations ranging from 1,718m to >3,000m (5,600…
Read MoreArizona Mearns Quail Hunting Video
S.A.Q.F. Quail Hunting Resources Page
We are building out a new Quail Hunting Resources Page on our website. Click Here and have a look.
Read MoreMearns Quail Wing Barrel Data
Click on this link to review Data Collected on Mearns Quail over the Years in S.E. Arizona MQ Wing Barrel Spreadsheet 2016.
Read More01/1/2016 -Southern Arizona Quail Forever President’s Corner
All, Happy New Year! Mearns hunting has been pretty decent so far but as typical they are forcing you to climb more and shoot around trees as the season ages. Gambels and Scaled Quail have continued to be elusive. Our next meeting is Thursday 19 Jan at Steakout 6:30-9:00. Dr Heather Connally from Vet Specialties of Tucson has…
Read More30/11/2016 President’s Corner
All, Mearns opens this Friday 2 Dec and will likely be decent based on initial scouting reports. Gambels and Scaled Quail have continued to be elusive. Our next chapter meeting is Thur 15 Dec at Steakout in Sonoita 6:30-9:00. Rana Tucker from AZGFD region 5 has agreed to speak on access issues and I have invited Forest Service to talk…
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