S.A. Quail Forever Election Results

Century Plant -Southern Arizona
Here are the results from our Election.
1: Chapter President: Zack May
2: Chapter Vice President: Open—all nominees declined
3: Chapter Treasurer: Linda Pfister
4: Chapter Banquet Chair: Dave Brown
5: Chapter Secretary: Ron Funk
6: Chapter Habitat Chair Tom Sullivan
7: Chapter Youth Chair: Nick Besnick
8: Chapter Membership Chair: Open—all nominees declined
1. Yes
For affirmation of the chapter officer selections made through the nomination and confirmation process to take effect 1 Jul. All candidates are running unopposed. Process was published and emailed. https://www.saquailforever.com/
2. Yes
Motion was made by Tom and second by Zach, for allocation not to exceed $8000 to support the water habitat project with Pima County. This will cover the material costs needed to modify the Ramsey Well located on the Pima County Sands Ranch property. The funds will be provided to Pima County who will procure and store the material until installation in the fall of 2016. Tom Sullivan as incoming Habitat Chair has the lead.
3. Yes
Motion was made by Linda and seconded by Dave for allocation of not to exceed.
$2,000 to support Montezuma (Mearns) quail diet study headed by Dr. Alberto Macias Duarte, Sonora State University in Hermosillo, Sonora, MX. The funding will be coordinated through New Mexico Quail Inc. (formerly Quail Unlimited SW New Mexico chapter). Project objectives: #1 Crop study from birds harvested in SE Arizona/SW New Mexico and #2 Estimate the effects of climate change on Mearns quail food resources to model changes in the species’ future distribution in its northern edge. Highly valued as a game bird in Arizona and New Mexico, those states are the northern edge of its distribution. The feeding ecology of this quail is poorly known. Winter may limit its preferred food and thus may reveal the ecological processes limiting the abundance of the species more efficiently. This project aims to provide basic information on diet composition on Montezuma quail during the winter at the northern edge of the species distribution. By investigating the feeding ecology of Montezuma quail, we may address the demographic consequences of a more arid southwestern United States in the coming decades as predicted by General Circulation Models by investigating the changes introduced to their food source.
The process was set for new officers to be inducted July 1.