S.A.Q.F November News
Overview O

The Gambels and Scaled Quail seasons have kicked off. The numbers are better than the last few years but I would call them below average. Thanks to all that helped AZ G&F with quail check stations in Pinal County. Many hunters coming through the stations reporting seeing quite a few running skittish quail. Most were not using dogs and their shot success was poor.
Brian Tackett and Steve Geerligs have resigned from our board. We certainly appreciate the support they have provided. Sarah Gandaria is replacing Steve as the treasurer on an interim basis until we can get a membership vote at our first meeting in Nov. Mike Wilbur has moved to Oklahoma for a new job but will attempt to be back to help us with Family Day next spring.

If you have never attended the Empire Ranch Cowboy Festival you would find it worthwhile. It is scheduled Sat 2 Nov from 10 AM to 4 PM. Additional info is available at https://www.empireranchfoundation.org/ranch-events/cowboy-festival/. We will be in the AZ G&F tent.
Habitat:We met with US Fish and Wildlife to review the overall habitat plan for Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge (BANWR). We are looking to develop AZ Habitat Partnership Committee (HPC) grants to help provide state funding to support Masked Bobwhite Quail and the wildlife.
We are working with AZ G&F and BLM in Sierra Vista to install quail ramps on water tanks. AZ G&F and BLM have purchased the extruded metal ramps and installation hardware and are now are getting the metal cut, bent and painted. This should be a great project to help quail access water safely and meet more area ranchers which might lead to more projects on their property.
We are working together with the Valley of the Sun Chapter out of Phoenix to fund a conservation easement and public access easement on ranch land near Tombstone. This land abuts public land resulting in a very large parcel. A conservation easement prevents the land from from being developed and the public access agreement will allow you hunting on the property in perpetuity. We expect the need to do some habitat work in the future. This land is primarily scaled quail country. AZ G&F, AZ Land Trust and US Dept of Agriculture are putting the vast majority of funding into this purchase. AZSFWC is also providing a grant. Once all other moneys are in place we will actually cut a check.
Access to Public Lands:

We will continue to do our road cleanup on highway 82 to promote a positive image of the chapter and to keep Hog Canyon access open. The formal agreement between the homeowners and AZ G&F is complete. Expect to see a sign in box as you enter the private road leading to Hog Canyon. Access to Adobe Canyon is still in work.
Walt Keyes, the road manager for Coronado National Forest is still working the process for approval of a planned by-pass road to reopen road access into the Meadow Valley area. The by-pass will not be open for this season. Walt is scheduled to speak at our Jan meeting.
Please be respectful of and make sure your actions do not impact public and private land. Close gates, pick up trash (yours and others) and keep speed and dust down.
Our next road cleanup is scheduled Sat 30 Nov at 9 AM. Meet at the entrance to Hog Canyon. Contact Ron Walp at couesaz2011@gmail.com if you are able to help.
Buenos Aires NWR

Over the last few months US F&W have released 650 masked bobwhite chicks. This is up from 426 chicks released in 2018. These chicks were cross-fostered with either a male northern bobwhite from Texas or a male masked bobwhite from the captive flock. With releases ending, tracking of released birds will continue and there will be a greater focus on habitat work. Dawn Brown, Wildlife Refuge Specialist has joined the team at BANWR. Dawn’s work will focus on the restoration and enhancement of masked bobwhite habitat. Several wild born chicks were documented this year.

AZ G&F is looking for help to assist with modifying fencing to be more wildlife friendly with top and bottom smooth wire. This is scheduled 16/17 Nov at BANWR and primitive camping is available. Dinner on the 16th and breakfast on the 17th will be provided. Please RSVP with Karen Klima at kklima@azgfd.gov or 520.388.4441 if you are able to help.

Southern Arizona Quail Forever and Arizona Game and Fish Department co-host an annual event called QuailFest around the opening weekend for Montezuma or Mearns Quail.
It is scheduled for Sunday 8 Dec from 11 AM to 2 PM at Pioneer Hall in the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds in Sonoita. Southern Arizona German Shorthair Club will provide grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and beverages at a nominal price. The event is held in the afternoon which gives hunters a chance to get out in the morning and stop by later.
QuailFest is an outdoor education forum and also shows the local community the significant economic impact that quail hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts bring into the local economy. Santa Cruz County is the heart of Mearns country in Arizona which sees hunters from nearly every western state and several Canadian provinces.
Well behaved dogs are permitted inside the hall so you will see a wide selection of great hunting dog breeds.

Our 2020 Banquet is scheduled for Sat 1 Feb at the fairgrounds in Sonoita. It is never too early to start looking for donations that can go into our raffles or auctions. Our banquet is the primary financial engine that permits us to do our habitat, access and youth work.
Tickets are at https://squareup.com/store/CH3163_Southern_Arizona_Quail_Forever. One bottle of wine per table, the first keg of beer, soft drinks and coffee are included in the price. A little over 50% of the available tickets are sold. Ticket prices will increase on 6 Jan. We know life brings change, we will offer refunds for any tickets cancelled by 23 Jan. Please consider sponsoring the attendance of one of our government partners.
Getting Folks Outdoors:

R3 (recruitment, retention and reactivation) is an effort aimed at increasing hunter participation. This is now a priority for almost all outdoor groups and G&F from all 50 states. We are planning for our Family Day/Youth Hunt 29 Feb 2020 along with partners from AZ G&F, NWTF and Southern AZ German Shorthair Club. We are looking for all ages, backgrounds and abilities to either participate or volunteer for this event. In addition to youth participants, we welcome older participants that are interested in learning more about the outdoors.
We are purchasing additional equipment to support this event – any donation you may be able to help with would be greatly appreciated.
Take a few minutes to watch this video and share with a non outdoors/hunting acquaintance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOvCpxjr0h0&t=2s
Please make an effort to invite someone out hunting or outdoors this year!
Southern AZ Dog Boarding:

A member has requested recommendations for kennels to board a dog. If you have a recommendation, please share with me and I will make it available to members. Looking for Tucson, Green Valley, Sierra Vista, Sonoita and nearby areas.
Chapter Meetings:

Here are the planned speakers for our 19/20 meeting year. We are working to keep our meetings fun and educational. Meetings will start at 7 PM with a social period starting at 6:15. We will have pizza and sodas available for those coming directly from work and will pass the hat to offset costs. Everyone is welcome, feel free to bring guests!
-21 Nov American Legion (next to Titan museum) Green Valley – Dr Keil – desert first aid for your dog, Kirby Bristow – AZ G&F Quail Update, Jenny Macfarland – Audubon grassland birds-12 Dec Fairgrounds in Sonoita – Rebecca Chester BANWR Masked Bobwhite Update, Greg Munther quail management update, Doug Burt Retention, Recruitment & Reactivation (R3) initiative-16 Jan Fairgrounds Sonoita – Ugo Pennacchietti – Dog Training, Walt Keyes (CNF road manager) Meadow Valley plan, Daisy Kinsey (CNF District Ranger) Borderlands Plan-20 Feb Fairgrounds in Sonoita – Larisa Harding New AZ G&F Small Game Manager, Cherie Nelson Gambels Quail Translocation Project, Chris Parish from Peregrin Fund – lead ammo-19 Mar American Legion (next to Titan museum) Green Valley – officer election info
AZ Sportsman for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC):
AZ Sportsman for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC):

SAQF has joined AZSFWC. You can sign up for their enews at http://azsfwc.org. This allows us to better coordinate with other wildlife groups.
Please consider purchasing a AZSFWC license plate to support wildlife when you renew your current AZ plate through ServiceArizona. The fee for this license supports the conservation grants provided by AZSFWC.
Chapter Website and Facebook:
Chapter Website and Facebook:

If you see an error or have a recommendation for improvement, please let us know. We are always looking for pictures, stories or articles to add.
Future Dates

- 2 Nov Empire Ranch Cowboy Festival – share tent w AZ G&F
- 16/17 Nov BANWR Wildlife Friendly Fencing Project
- 21 Nov Chapter Meeting American Legion Sahuarita
- 30 Nov Fall Road Cleanup
- 6 Dec Mearns Opens
- 8 Dec QuailFest
- 12 Dec Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- 16 Jan 20 Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- 1 Feb 20 8th Annual Banquet Sonoita
- 9 Feb 20 Quail Closes
- 14-16 Feb Quail Classic Minneapolis
- 20 Feb 20 Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- TBD Feb 20 Winter Road Cleanup
- 29 Feb 20 Family Day/Youth Hunt
- 19 Mar 20 Chapter Meeting American Legion Sahuarita
- TBD 20 Chapter Officer Election Cycle