President’s Corner
October 25, 2016 /

S.E. Arizona Scenery
SAQF Members,
Gambels Quail hunting reports have been mixed. The areas north and west of Tucson have been poor while the areas around Wilcox and Bonita have been decent. I have not heard reports on Scaled Quail.
We completed our third gun raffle and membership drive at Sportsman Warehouse in Tucson on 14 &15 Oct with the planned future dates of 18/19/20 Nov. Thanks to Nick Besenick, Tony Valentino and Steve Martel for volunteering their time to help out. To date, we have sold 105 tickets of 210 planned. If you have a few hours to help out with this or want to buy some tickets please let me know. The raffle info is available at updates/ . We have been able to talk to many potential future members and folks interested in our youth hunt at these events.
Our first chapter meeting of the season was 20 Oct at Steak Out in Sonoita. Attendance was pretty limited but Wade Zarlingo the new AZGFD small game biologist attended and we were able to discuss some area where we could work together. He asked if we would consider managing some of the wing barrels, I told him we would run it by the members and get back. We also discussed the potential of sponsoring a ranch in Southern Arizona. All of our new audio visual equipment is in place and was checked out at the meeting. Hope to see more of you at our next meeting 17 Nov, meeting starts at 7:00 with social prior at 6:30. Randy Babb the author of “Hunting Arizona’s Small Game” is scheduled to speak. If you have ideas or contacts for future speakers let me know.
If you have not done so, recommend you take a look at our updated website at . We are working to keep it current. If you go to the bottom right of the home page you can sign up for email notifications to the blog which will give you an update when something has changed. It is not a spam engine and you can allows opt out later if you don’t like it. We are also more active on Facebook, take the time to friend us if you use Facebook.
During the week of 13 Nov we will be assisting PIMA County in modifying Ramsey Well on the Sands Ranch Conservation property. The installation will incorporate a solar operated pump, a solar panel, a storage tank and a ground level drinking trough for quail and all wildlife. Chapter members interested in assisting on-site during the latter part of the week should contact Tom Sullivan ( The location is remote and is best reached by a high clearance 4WD vehicle. This is the first of what we hope will become an annual event; so if you are unable to participate there will be more opportunities in the future. Tom is looking for 3-5 volunteers.
We have also approved funding for a Mearns diet study to be completed by a University in Mexico but are holding funding until the proper licenses are secured from the government of Mexico.
Our next highway cleanup is planned Wed 30 Nov at Hog Canyon at 9:00. If you can help out let Ron Walp know at Recommend wearing long sleeves and bringing gloves. Ron will have trash bags and water. This work is intended to build a better relationship with neighbors going into Hog Canyon to keep access open and project a positive image of Quail Forever in the area.
Our banquet is planned 4 Feb at the Sonoita Fairgrounds which will allow more attendees than our previous Elgin location. Dave Brown the banquet chairman will be announcing a Dinner Committee Meeting for early November,those that wish to Volunteer please contact Dave @ 520-604-2729 or
Our Youth and Novice Hunt is scheduled 4 Mar. We are considering expansion to include a camp out the night before, archery and trap. Nick Besenick will be looking for volunteers in the future.
Please drop me a line or give me a call if you have ideas or want to help.
Zack May
Southern AZ Quail Forever
Chapter President
Cell 520.301.8135