President’s Corner

Scaled Quail Tracks
Presidents Corner:
Dove season opens 1 Sep with Gambels and Scaled Quail opening 30 Sep. Time to get your shotgun out and put a few rounds through it at the range. Also need to get your dog in shape for the season. For those out of state, we have had decent rain and grass looks pretty good.
We just completed our first gun raffle and membership drive at Sportsman Warehouse in Tucson on 25/26 Aug with 23/25 Sep and 14/15 Oct planned and the potential for more later. Thanks to Jacob Young and Jim Littlejohn for volunteering their time. We sold xx tickets and signed up xx new members. If you have a few hours to help out with this or want to buy some tickets please let me know.
We have added a chapter schedule to the website which includes our meeting plan. We are still working to fill some of the speaker slots – if you have an input please let us know. Previously we have had some complaints about not being able to see or hear presentation well so we are looking into buying audiovisual equipment to use at our meetings.
AZGFD has asked for our help to conduct a Scaled Quail Flush Count near Bonita AZ Sep 24. Will likely camp the night of 23 Sep. They need volunteers with and without dogs to help. Let me know if you want more information.
Please drop me a line or give me a call if you have ideas or want to help.