October News

The monsoon has picked up the local monicker “nonsoon” based on the poor rainfall this monsoon season. Rains were well below average which will likely negatively impact overall Mearns Quail numbers. As typical, rainfall is not evenly spread – https://rainlog.org/map is a good source for local rainfall info.
Expect a better desert quail season than we have had the last few years.
Southern Arizona Quail Forever is one of the most diverse chapters in QF with members from over 25 states and a Canadian Province. Note the free advertising we are getting from one of our Georgia members who travels to AZ every year.

Borderlands Restoration has recently received a grant of $12K for habitat work at the Borderlands Wildlife Preserve site outside Patagonia. We expect to help them with labor as this goes forward. This is prime mearns area but hunting will not be allowed there. We are willing to support work both in areas that can be hunted and areas which do not allow hunting.
We are working with AZ G&F and BLM in Sierra Vista we will be able to install quail ramps on water tanks. AZ G&F and BLM have purchased the extruded metal ramps and installation hardware and are now are getting the metal cut, bent and painted. This should be a great project to help quail access water safely and meet more area ranchers which might lead to more projects on their property.
We are working together with the Valley of the Sun Chapter out of Phoenix to fund a conservation easement and public access easement on ranch land near Tombstone. This land abuts publics land resulting in a very large parcel. A conservation easement prevents the land from from being developed and the public access agreement will allow you to hunt the property in perpetuity. We expect the need to do some habitat work in the future. This land is primarily scaled quail country. AZ G&F, AZ Land Trust and US Dept of Agriculture are putting the vast majority of funding into this purchase. AZSFWC is also providing a grant.
Access to Public Lands:

We will continue to do our road cleanup on highway 82 to promote a positive image of the chapter and to keep Hog Canyon access open. The formal agreement between the homeowners and AZ G&F is complete. Expect to see a sign in box as you enter the private road leading to Hog Canyon. Access to Adobe Canyon is still in work.
Walt Keyes, the road manager for Coronado National Forest is still working the process for approval of a planned by-pass road to reopen road access into the Meadow Valley area. The by-pass will not be open for this season. Walt is scheduled to speak at our Jan meeting.
Exploratory mine operations on public Forest Service land are under consideration south of Patagonia. You can get more information and have the opportunity to comment for or against at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=55719.
Please be respectful of and make sure your actions do not impact public and private land. Close gates, pick up trash (yours and others) and keep speed and dust down.
Buenos Aires NWR:

Buenos Aires NWR:The first known wild hatched Masked Bobwhite Quail Chicks in several decades were documented in Sep. This years release of captive raised chicks was much larger than last year. A larger release coupled with habitat work and food plot planting should result in even more wild chicks next year. Rebecca reports they have had some birds using the half-cut habitat areas all the volunteers worked so hard on. The work is not nearly done – expect to see more volunteer opportunities in the future.
AZ G&F is looking for help to assist with modifying fencing to be more wildlife friendly with top and bottom smooth wire. This is scheduled 16/17 Nov at BANWR and primitive camping is available. Dinner on the 16th and breakfast on the 17th will be provided. Please RSVP with Karen Klima at kklima@azgfd.gov or 520.388.4441 if you are able to help.

:Rana Tucker is seeking volunteers to help with the annual quail check stations held opening weekend (Oct 19th & 20th) in unit 37B. They run two stations simultaneously; she needs at least 2 more people at each station. Experience is not necessary; someone will show you how to age/sex quail. This data helps us gauge population parameters such as hatch success and male:female ratios. Please RSVP to Rana by Oct 13th if you can help at rtucker@azgfd.gov or 520.388.4448.
Larisa Harding needs help with the Scaled Quail count near Bonita with an opportunity to camp out and dinner on 12 Oct and run routes early on 13 Oct. Volunteers with and without dogs are needed. Contact Larisa at lharding@azgfd.gov or 623.236.7503 with questions or to volunteer. This count is important to assess the success of habitat improvements.
It’s a great time of year to be outside, doing fieldwork and meeting other quail hunters. We have seen both Gambel’s and Scaled quail at both of these events in the past and have also seen Mearns near the campground.
Banquet:Our 2020 Banquet is scheduled for Sat 1 Feb at the fairgrounds in Sonoita. It is never too early to start looking for donations that can go into our raffles or auctions. Our banquet is the primary financial engine that permits us to do our habitat, access and youth work.
Tickets go on sale 1 October at https://squareup.com/store/CH3163_Southern_Arizona_Quail_Forever. We are holding ticket prices at $100 for two which includes one annual membership. We will again serve a prime rib dinner with a chicken breast alternate. One bottle of wine per table, the first keg of beer, soft drinks and coffee are included in the price. Tickets are limited to the first 215. Ticket prices will increase on 6 Jan. We know life brings change so to make you comfortable buying tickets early we will offer refunds for any tickets cancelled by 23 Jan. A special benefit will be offered for those that purchase tickets in the first two weeks.
Getting Folks Outdoors:

We are planning for our Family Day/Youth Hunt in Feb 2020 along with partners from AZ G&F, NWTF and Southern AZ German Shorthair Club. We are looking for all ages, backgrounds and abilities to either participate or volunteer for this event. In addition to youth participants, we welcome older participants that are interested in learning more about the outdoors.
We are purchasing additional equipment to support this event – any donation you may be able to help with would be greatly appreciated.
Please take two minutes to watch this video and share with a non outdoors/hunting acquaintances. h
Please invite someone out hunting or at least outdoors with you this year!
Chapter Meetings

Here are the planned speakers for our 19/20 meeting year. We still have a few slots available. We are working to keep our meetings fun and educational. Meetings will start at 7 PM with a social period starting at 6:15. We will have pizza and sodas available for those coming directly from work and will pass the hat to offset costs. Everyone is welcome, feel free to bring guests!
-21 Nov American Legion (next to Titan museum) Green Valley – Dr Keil – desert first aid for your dog,
Kirby Bristow – AZ G&F Quail Update-12 Dec Fairgrounds in Sonoita – Rebecca BANWR Masked Bobwhite Update, Greg Munther quail management update, TBD R3 initiative-
16 Jan Fairgrounds Sonoita – Ugo Pennacchietti – Dog Training, Walt Keyes (CNF road manager) Meadow Valley plan, Daisy Kinsey (CNF District Ranger) Borderlands Plan-
20 Feb Fairgrounds in Sonoita – Larisa Harding New AZ G&F Small Game Manager, Cherie Nelson Gambels Quail Translocation Project, Chris Parish from Peregrin Foundation – lead ammo-
19 Mar American Legion (next to Titan museum) Green Valley – officer election info
AZ Sportsman for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC):

SAQF has joined AZSFWC. You can sign up for their enews at http://azsfwc.org. This allows us to better coordinate with other wildlife groups.
Please consider purchasing a AZSFWC license plate to support wildlife when you renew your current AZ plate through ServiceArizona. The fee for this license supports the conservation grants provided by AZSFWC.
Chapter Website and Facebook: If you see an error or have a recommendation for improvement, please let us know. We are always looking for pictures, stories or articles to add.
Future dates:
Future dates:

- 12/13 Oct Scaled Quail Covey and Box Turtle Count Bonita
- 18 Oct Desert Quail (Gambels and Scaled) Opens
- 19/20 Oct TBD support AZ G&F check stations in Pinal County
- 2 Nov Empire Ranch Cowboy Festival – share tent w AZ G&F
- 16/17 Nov BANWR Wildlife Friendly Fencing Project
- 21 Nov Chapter Meeting American Legion Sahuarita
- TBD Nov Fall Road Cleanup
- 6 Dec Mearns Opens
- 8 Dec QuailFest
- 12 Dec Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- 16 Jan 20 Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- 1 Feb 20 8th Annual Banquet Sonoita
- 9 Feb 20 Quail Closes
- 14-16 Feb Quail Classic Minneapolis
- 20 Feb 20 Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- TBD Feb 20 Winter Road Cleanup
- 29 Feb 20 Family Day/Youth Hunt
- 19 Mar 20 Chapter Meeting American Legion Sahuarita
- TBD 20 Chapter Officer Election Cycle