Nov.17th Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2017 /
Southern AZ Quail Forever 16 Nov 17 meeting minutes.
Meeting took place at Steakout in Sonoita. This is our first meeting of the 17/18 hunt season. Our next meeting will be 14 Dec. We will also do another highway cleanup which is tentatively scheduled for 8:00 6 May.

Full House
We had 29 people attend. Social started at 6:30 with formal meeting start at 7:00. We had a quorum of chapter officers.
-Treasurer; $15,500+ in bank, no outstanding issues.
-Schedule; schedule for 17-18 hunt season reviewed. Schedule is available on the web.
-Mearns Quail Study; Our quail study with Sonora University is still tracking. Dr. Alberto Macías Duarte provided an initial report on the study. His slides will be placed on the chapter website in the near future.
-Officer Brit Oleson from AGFD provided an overview of the planned joint Quail Festival in Sonoita over Mearns opening weekend. The festival will run 1-4PM the afternoon of 9 Dec at the Pioneer Hall in the Fairgrounds. The membership and board approved spending $380 of chapter funds to rent the hall. Expect to see flyers and a more detailed agenda soon.
-Our youth chair, Nick Besenick provided a presentation on dog and survival electronics.
-Our banquet is schedule for 3 Feb 18 in Sonoita. The first planning meeting will be help 6 Dec. Please shout if you can help.
-No new business was brought forward.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30.