Meeting Minutes and Award

The chapter received a commendation from the AZ G&F commission this morning. Howie Swenson, Linda Pfister and myself attended the meeting in Bisbee to accept the award. Thanks to all that helped make this possibleMark Hart out of the Tucson G&F office also received an award for the improved social media presence he has worked for G&F. Congrats to Mark.

SAQF conducted its March meeting Thur 14 Feb at the American Legion in Green Valley/Sahuarita
The meeting started at 6:50 PM with 33 people in attendance and had a quorum of chapter officers.
Upcoming events were covered and are available on the web. Dates for the 19/20 season are included.
Treasurer Report by Steve Geerligs. We have about $29000 in the bank but with membership bills to pay.
Banquet. We discussed lessons learned from the banquet to make next year year even better. Our 2020 banquet is scheduled for 2 Feb.
Habitat was briefed by Jim Littlejohn.He also briefed the multiple opportunities to do habitat work at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in support of the endangered Masked Bobwhite. He is also going to a land access meeting with Coronado Forest and AZ G&F next week to continue working the San Rafael road closures.
FamilyDay/Youth HuntWe reviewed lessons learned from our successful Family Day/Youth Hunt. Next years event is scheduled for 29 Feb.
Guest speaker-Sarah Gandaria from AZ G&F and QF gave a great presentation on the impact of the new farm bill to AZ and an update on activities of the AZ farm bill biologists. The presentation will be available on our website.

New business -Brit Oleson was nominated, seconded and voted to fill an at-large board seat. She will make a great addition to our board. As an employee of AZ G&F she will recuse herself on any vote which directly involves the department.-Mike Wilbur was nominated, seconded and voted to be the co-chair of our youth activity and work with Tony Valentino. Mike actively helped with our Family Day/Youth Hunt and will also be a great addition.-The chapter has elected to join AZ Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation which will pull us closer together with likeminded AZ outdoor groups.-Based on input from members we are going to stop buying breakfast for participants of our highway cleanup unless it can be done through the Sonoita volunteer fire department breakfast the first Sat of each month.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
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