May President’s Corner

Overview:-Please note we are using constant contact to get our messaging out. Feel free to reach out and respond to me directly if you have a question or comment at has been a buggy Apr in Arizona. The bugs are the result of the wet winter and early spring and will help support the quail chicks arriving in the near future.

Access to public lands:-San Rafael Valley.
Progress on approval of the bypass routes in the San Rafael is progressing but slower than we anticipated.-Our next highway cleanup will be Sat 11 May at 7:00 AM with breakfast at the Sonoita volunteer fire station after. Meet at the intersection of Hog Canyon Rd and highway 82. Please contact Dave Struyk at if you are able to help.

At a recent board call $2000 was approved for a seed project at BANWR was approved. This will be combined with over $100,000 from USFWS and other organizations to improve habitat on the refuge. The board also approved a $2500 donation to QF which will help fund another QF/AZ G&F biologist to support riparian projects. This will have limited impact in our part of the state but will improve quail and other wildlife habitat statewide by leveraging nearly $500,000 a year from National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and others.-Chapter members and other volunteers planted 96 quail friendly bushes at BANWR in Apr.

Gambels Translocation Project:-
The translocated quail at Kings Anvil Ranch and the Santa Margarita Ranch have started to pair up. On nest was found but it had been hit by a predator. We are looking forward to the report on this project from the grad student conducting it.
Chapter Meetings:-Our meetings will start again in November.-We are planning to move the December meeting to Vail as a trial.-I have received a request for another vet presentation and for Kirby to talk about how to hunt quail. What else do you want to see?

AZ Sportsman for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC)
AZ Sportsman for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC):-SAQF has joined AZSFWC. You can sign up for their enews at gives us access to their wildlife grants and allows us to better coordinate with other wildlife groups.-Please consider purchasing a AZSFWC license plate to support wildlife when you renew your current AZ plate. The fee for this license supports the grants provided by AZSFWC.
Chapter Website and Facebook:

If you see an error or recommendation for improvement please let us know. We are always looking for pictures, stories or articles to add.
Brittany Pups:Pat Nissen has a litter of 7 Brittany pups. If you have an interest contact Pat at (314) 780-4977. Last I heard she had a few males left. She has a track record of breeding quality hunters.
Future Dates

- 11 May Road Cleanup
- TBD Oct Scaled Quail Covey Count Bonita
- 18 Oct Desert Quail Opens
- 21 Nov Chapter Meeting American Legion Sahuarita
- TBD Nov Fall Road Cleanup
- 6 Dec Mearns Opens
- 8 Dec QuailFest
- 12 Dec Chapter Meeting TBD Vail
- 16 Jan 20 Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- 1 Feb 20 8th Annual Banquet Sonoita
- 9 Feb 20 Quail Closes
- 14-16 Feb Quail Classic Minneapolis
- 20 Feb 20 Chapter Meeting Fairgrounds Sonoita
- TBD Feb 20 Winter Road Cleanup
- 29 Feb 20 Family Day/Youth Hunt
- 19 Mar 20 Chapter Meeting American Legion Sahuarita
- TBD 20 Chapter Officer Election Cycle