Masked Bobwhite Feeding
August 15, 2019 /

Masked Bobwhite Feeding Help US Fish and Wildlife Service staff at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge could use some help as they are working to release more captive raised endangered Masked Bobwhite chicks into the wild. They need help getting supplemental feed out to the birds already released. Any help provided would be greatly appreciated – I was able to help distribute food last week. Several food plots were planted this week but it will be sometime before this pays off. I am forwarding this at the request of Rebecca at BANWR. If you have questions or can help please contact Rebecca directly. Quail Permanent Feeding Sites Protocol Permanent feeding sites have been established in order to ensure food is available for masked bobwhite quail year-round in the event that it is a limiting factor and needed during a sub-optimal forage production year. FWS is still researching limiting factors and considers this a cautionary measure in order to establish the largest, healthiest population of masked bobwhite possible.As of August 2019, 4 sites are being fed and have been since November 2018. Each of the 4 areas had a covey through the winter and into early April before they moved to breeding areas. 2 sites are adjacent to a road, 2 others are a .6 mile or .8 mile roundtrip walk. At each site:We feed 25 lbs, 2x/weekThe seed (milo) is scattered in a circle about 100-200 ft acrossSeed is scattered by hand while walking around the perimeter of the circle, throwing it under shrubs and low trees rather than out in the open, so quail are more comfortable and secure while eatingSeed is picked up at the barn at HQ and a refuge vehicle can be available once the driver has successfully taken a FWS-supplied defensive driver course or you can use your own vehicle. — Rebecca ChesterQuail BiologistR2 Division of Biological SciencesBuenos Aires NWRPO Box 109Sasabe, AZ 85633Office: 520-823-4251 x 105Cell: 505-270-1492 |