30/11/2016 President’s Corner
November 30, 2016 /
Mearns opens this Friday 2 Dec and will likely be decent based on initial scouting reports. Gambels and Scaled Quail have continued to be elusive.
Our next chapter meeting is Thur 15 Dec at Steakout in Sonoita 6:30-9:00. Rana Tucker from AZGFD region 5 has agreed to speak on access issues and I have invited Forest Service to talk about their new proposed travel management plan but have not received a commitment.

An English Pointer and a Brittany point a Covey of Mearns Quail
Dave Brown is getting the banquet planning committee together this week. He should have more detail to provide at the Dec meeting. Banquet is planned 4 Feb at Sonoita Fairgrounds. He will be looking for help to line up donations and sponsors. For those that may not have a designated driver and want to partake in adult beverages, you might want to consider reserving a room at Sonoita Inn before they fill up.

Mearns Country
Tom Sullivan is leading our water for wildlife project, volunteers will be working 6/7/8 Dec installing fence panels. Ron Walp is leading our highway cleanup 30 Nov. Both Tom and Ron indicate they have enough volunteers lined up. Thanks for your help.
We have completed our gun raffle at Sportsman Warehouse where we have had many opportunities to engage potential new members and put money in our account to support habitat projects. All but one gun has been delivered to winners, the last one is delayed to completed the required background check. Thanks for all the help from members.
Give us your feedback on our updated website at www.saquailforever.com . We are working to keep it current and meet your needs.
Please drop me a line or give me a call if you have ideas or want to help. Give me your ideas on future guest speakers that can talk hunting, dogs, land access or other subjects you believe other members would enjoy.
Zack May
Southern AZ Quail Forever
Chapter President
Cell 520.301.8135