01/18/2018 Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2018 /
Southern AZ Quail Forever 18 Jan 18 meeting minutes.
Meeting took place at Steak Out in Sonoita. We had 29 people attend. Social started at 6:15 with formal meeting start at 7:00. We had a quorum of chapter officers.
-Treasurer; $20,000+ in bank with outstanding bills just under $5,000, no outstanding issues.
-Schedule; schedule for 17-18 hunt season reviewed. Schedule is available on the web.
-Officer Brit Oleson from AZ G&F gave us an update on the aircraft conducted wildlife count of the Borderlands Habitat area. She was able to count quail and sex them from the air.
-Glen Dickens from Arizona Wildlife Federation gave an overview of their mission and strengths. He has asked us to become an affiliate of AWF. The membership and board voted to approve his proposal.
-Josh Smith and Rebecca Chester from US Fish and Wildlife Service provided a presentation on Buenos Aires National Wildlife Preserve and their work on the reintroduction of the Masked Bob White into the wild. A copy of their presentation will be available on the web.
-Tom Sullivan provided a status brief on our habitat work completed and planned. These will be available on the web.
-Our banquet is tracking for 3 Feb 18 in Sonoita. We have about 15 tickets remaining which can be purchased through our web site. To buy a ticket go to https://www.saquailforever.com/ 2017-dinner-and-auction/ and click on the click here link. Expect more information on the event to those that have bought ticket in the next week.
-Out next meeting will be Thur 15 Feb at Steak Out. Planned speaker is from US Forest Service with more detail on the Borderlands Habitat Project.
-We really need help with a volunteer to serve as the chapter secretary. This is a requirement to elect new chapter officers in the next few months.
-No new business was brought forward.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45.
Email addresses for Glen Dickens, Josh Smith and Rebecca Chester are in the cc line.
QF values your privacy, member emails are sent bcc.

An English Pointer nails a covey of Mearns Quail