Mission Statement & Bylaws

Mission Statement & Bylaws
- Sustain and improve quail and other wildlife populations with habitat improvements and other conservation efforts.
- Protect and improve access to public land.
- Grow chapter membership while keeping the group fun, inclusive, informed and working together
- Promote the outdoors and hunting by engaging individuals of all ages, backgrounds and abilities in opportunities focusing on recruitment, retention and reactivation of hunters and outdoors enthusiasts.
- Promote legal and ethical hunting and good stewardship of our natural resources.
- Have complete accountability and transparency of all chapter matters.

Actions To Support Mission
- Support habitat projects and research using grant money and volunteers. Team with other organizations when possible to take advantage of their funds and workforce.
- Build partnerships/relationships with government game and fish, land management entities, other chapters, outdoor retailers, hunting gear and dog businesses and any other organizations which support outdoors activity, hunting and/or access to public land.
- Conduct regular membership meetings to share information, seek input and provide a social foundation for the chapter. Venue should permit formal presentations and social atmosphere.
- Conduct an annual banquet to build membership, have fun, create financial resources and share our outdoor and hunting heritage.
- Maintain good communication with out of state members.
- Conduct a large formal Family Day/Youth Hunt partnering with other organizations and pursuing grant opportunities.
- Ensure all words and actions of the chapter promote legal and ethical hunting and good stewardship of our natural resources.
- Continue highway cleanup project to promote a positive image of the chapter and to keep Hog Canyon access open.

Chapter Member Rights & Responsibilities
- Support chapter and Quail Forever mission.
- Chapter members will vote to elect chapter officers every two years. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Banquet Chair, Youth Chair and Habitat Chair are the typical officers of the chapter. Additional officers including at-large positions may be added at the discretion of membership. Elections will follow the following process: nominations, seconds, acceptance of nominations and a ballot. The chapter secretary is responsible for administering this process. Chapter members can recall any chapter officer if 20% of the membership agrees to the recall. Nominations for offices can be made at any time.
- Any chapter member may bring forth a motion or second a motion for any policy or financial decision to be made by the chapter. Typically these should occur at regular chapter meetings but can also be done via email. Proposals should be discussed prior to becoming motions and include the detail required to make a decision including a clear purpose and resources required.
Chapter Officer Responsibilities
- Oversee and execute the actions of the chapter in accordance with chapter and Quail Forever mission and goals.
- Maintain high ethical standards and ensure all actions are transparent to chapter members.
- Report back status of actions to the chapter membership via member meetings, email and chapter website.
- Vote on all proposed motions that have been seconded. A quorum to vote is a minimum of 60% of chapter officers. A simple majority is required for a motion to pass. If additional information is required, the board may decide to withhold a vote until the information is available. Votes can be done at member meetings, via email or conference call. The chapter secretary will maintain a record of all votes.
- The board will allocate funds to chapter officers to conduct their mission. An annual budget review will be conducted by the board prior to each season. This review will constitute approval for event expenditures although any individual increase greater than 15% must be resubmitted to the board for approval. Records will be maintained and available to all members.
- Expenditures, or donations which do not support our mission are not allowed as they put Quail Forever 501(c)(3) tax exempt status at risk.