14/02/2018 President’s Corner

Mearns Quail Point

Southern AZ Quail Forever 15 Feb 18 meeting minutes.

Meeting took place at Steak Out in Sonoita.  We had 18 people attend.  Social started at 6:15 with formal meeting start at 7:00.  We had a quorum of chapter officers.  For those out of town, we have received nearly 2 inches of rain in the last 36 hours – where was it during the season?
-Treasurer; $30,000+ in bank, no outstanding issues. Linda reviewed our banquet stats which was very successful.  My previous profit estimate was in error, we actually made a little over $15K.

A “trinchera” in Action during the recent rain in Patagonia
-David Seibert from Borderland Restorations gave an overview of their mission and strengths.  His organization has conducted ecological restoration in Southern AZ for several years.  He showed slides with several examples of their work.  He uses youth groups, prisoners and volunteers to keep costs low.  No decisions were made but it is likely we will work with this group to complete some of our habitat work.
-Tom Sullivan had planned to work Thursday with representatives from Pima County and our local rancher to repair the damage at Ramsey Well (our previous water for wildlife site).  Unfortunately the rain prevented the work.
-Our youth/novice hunt is scheduled 24 Mar at Maternity Wells about 7 miles north of Sonoita.  If you have interest in volunteering or bringing a youth please contact Nick Besenick.  There will be a dinner and camp out for volunteers the night prior.
-Good news, Sadie the Chesapeake Bay Retriever has found a new home.
-Our next meeting will be Thur 15 March at Steak Out.  There is no planned speaker, the meeting will focus on upcoming elections and future direction of the chapter.  Elections will be handled per our by-laws with nominations, acceptance of nominations, second of nominations and then a ballot via email administered by the chapter secretary.  As we do not have a volunteer to serve as the chapter secretary, I will likely pick up the role to support our upcoming elections.   To keep the process transparent, I will remove myself as a candidate for any chapter office but complete my term as chapter president.  Individual members may nominate themselves for office.  Chapter officers will turnover 1 Jul 18.
-Ron Walp brought forward a proposal to move meetings from the Steak Out due to the high noise level in the establishment.  Nick Besenick and Jim Littlejohn agreed to assess other options and come back to the group next fall with a recommendation.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45.
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