President’s Corner
September 6, 2017 /
A quick update to let folks know what is going on with the chapter in Southern AZ. It’s still warm and our great monsoon season should wrap up soon. We have several volunteer opportunities as we start the new hunting year – let me know if your are able to help. We will be looking for more board members and banquet committee members.
-Membership drive opportunity. We have been invited to participate in the Peppersauce Roundup 23 Sep near Oracle. We would get a 10×10 space to set up a table to sell hats and handout membership info. Let me know if you can help.
-Scaled Quail covey count. Wade Zarlingo from AGFD has scheduled the covey count for 30 Sep/1 Oct which is a delay of one day from the previously announced plan. The event will take place near Bonita northeast of Wilcox. More detail will be provided later but the general plan is camp Sat night, set up routes and then find and count birds Sun morning. The purpose of this effort is to assess the impact of AGFD habitat improvement in the area. This will be the third year we have helped with this effort. Volunteers are needed with dogs. To volunteer please contact Wade at and cc me.
-Desert Quail opener 6 Oct. We need volunteers to man check stations at Willow Springs and Freeman Roads 7 and 8 Oct along with AGFD personnel. Please let me know if you are willing to help.
-Habitat projects. Border 2 Fuels Reduction and Mearns Quail Habitat Improvement Project is tracking. We are still working on the White Mountain Mearns project proposal and not ready to commit to it yet. Our Mearns Diet study in Mexico is also progressing.
-Hunting habitat. Both the areas for desert and mearns quail are looking great as monsoon winds down. Better desert quail hunting than last year may take some hunting pressure off mearns.
-Sonoita fires. The areas around Sonoita hit with fires are looking great now after the monsoon rains. Except for the folks that lost homes, the fires have been good for habitat.
-Hog and Adobe Canyon access. The homeowners and AGFD are still working agreements that will prevent the FS from closing the access. Access is open at this time.
-Dove opener 1 Sep. Several chapter members enjoyed dove hunting with good results. The picture below is courtesy of Mike C.
-Future Dates. In addition to the dates listed above our first chapter meeting is 16 Nov, mearns opens 8 Decand 2018 banquet 3 Feb.
QF respects your privacy, members are addressed bcc.
Zack May
Southern AZ Quail Forever
Chapter President
Cell 520.301.8135