01/1/2016 -Southern Arizona Quail Forever President’s Corner

Dogs on point in Mearns Habitat

Happy New Year!
Mearns hunting has been pretty decent so far but as typical they are forcing you to climb more and shoot around trees as the season ages.  Gambels and Scaled Quail have continued to be elusive.
Our next meeting is Thursday  19 Jan at Steakout 6:30-9:00.  Dr Heather Connally from Vet Specialties of Tucson has agreed to speak on desert hazards to dogs.

Flushed Quail

Dave Brown and the banquet committee has made significant progress on banquet planning.  Banquet is planned 4 Feb at Sonoita Fairgrounds.  He will be looking for help to line up donations and sponsors.  For those that may not have a designated driver and want to partake in adult beverages, you might want to consider a room at Sonoita Inn before they fill up.  Please get your reservation into Linda Pfister no later than 31 Jan and encourage your friends to come.  A form is attached if you have lost yours.  We are still looking for sponsors and donations.

Youth Hunt Participates

Our water for wildlife project has made great progress with Tom Sullivan leading.  We are planning to complete this phase on 18 and 19 Jan with Pima County.  Ron Walp will lead another highway cleanup in Feb.  Both Tom and Ron indicate they have enough volunteers lined up.  Thanks for your help.  Our Mearns diet study with Dr Alberto Macias of Sonora State University is also progressing with a report due from him later this spring.   Our Youth Hunt is planned for 4 Mar contact Nick Besenick to volunteer or is you know of a youth or novice that would like to participate.
We have received a donation of 5 great shotguns from a member.  We are assessing options to convert their value into future projects for the chapter.
Give us your feedback of website at www.saquailforever.com .  We are working to keep it current and meet your needs.
Please drop me a line or give me a call if you have ideas or want to help.  Give me your ideas on future guest speakers that can talk hunting, dogs, land access or other subjects you believe other members would enjoy.

Zack May
Southern AZ Quail Forever
Chapter President
Cell 520.301.8135