December Newsletter
Overview The Gambels and Scaled Quail numbers have been spotty to poor across AZ with some of the better numbers seen further north. While not great it is better than the last few years.Mearns opens 6 Dec and their numbers are always hard to predict until we get dogs in the field. Our weak monsoon…
Read MoreOctober News
Overview The monsoon has picked up the local monicker “nonsoon” based on the poor rainfall this monsoon season. Rains were well below average which will likely negatively impact overall Mearns Quail numbers. As typical, rainfall is not evenly spread – https://rainlog.org/map is a good source for local rainfall info.Expect a better desert quail season than we have…
Read MoreSeptember News
Overview: Gambels Quail call counts returned 125% compared to the 10 year average. We have seen a lot of young birds so the desert quail hunting should be better than it has the last few years. Monsoon rains have continued well below average which will likely negatively impact overall Mearns Quail numbers. As typical, rainfall…
Read MoreMasked Bobwhite Feeding
Masked Bobwhite Feeding HelpUS Fish and Wildlife Service staff at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge could use some help as they are working to release more captive raised endangered Masked Bobwhite chicks into the wild. They need help getting supplemental feed out to the birds already released. Any help provided would be greatly appreciated –…
Read MoreAugust Newsletter
Most of Southern Arizona received good winter/spring rain which should result in better desert quail chick survival. So far our monsoon rains have not been very good which does not bode well for a good mearns hatch and survival. Dove season is only a month away. I know it is hot, but get your dog…
Read MoreJune Update 2019
SAQF June President’s CornerOverview:We have continued to get rare rain in May. Conditions look good for a decent desert quail hatch – keep your fingers crossed. We are still cold here in Southern AZ and hope to see warm weather soon.“… the nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it…
Read MoreMay President’s Corner
Overview:-Please note we are using constant contact to get our messaging out. Feel free to reach out and respond to me directly if you have a question or comment at zmay@comcast.net.-It has been a buggy Apr in Arizona. The bugs are the result of the wet winter and early spring and will help support the quail…
Read MoreS.A.Q.F. Work Day
Work Day—April 26,29– May 2,6SAQF has agreed to help Elgin rancher Bill Schock build rock damns on his property. We need labor to move rocks from an area by his barn to several arroyo locations. Bill has a tractor and wagon—all we need is YOU ! Please contact me if you can make one of…
Read MoreSnake Avoidance Training
Hello all; That time of year again. The “bad guys” of the desert are out and about again. Don’t want our dogs getting bit by any rattle snakes. I have put together another snake avoidance class here at our house on Sat. morning May 11 starting at 0830 am. Once again my friend and Master…
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