December Update

Gambel’s numbers are looking good after a couple of consecutive decent winter rain years. We are not predicting a good Mearns’ year after a dismal monsoon. Our loose rock dams help during below average rainfall years by slowing runoff to keep water in the soil longer.
COVID cases continue to increase in AZ. Expect the chapter to have few gatherings until it comes under control. We are able to conduct some habitat work with significant social distancing.

We have already completed several Water for Wildlife well modification projects at BANWR to support quail and other wildlife. We also have BANWR habitat projects planned in Dec. This has been particularly important in light of our poor monsoon.
Borderlands Restoration Network (BRN) has collecting seeds to make seedballs in the Coronado National Forest. This is an important part of the grasslands project along the border with Mexico. This is prime Mearns’ quail country. The work will involve volunteer labor, contract labor and provide high school age youth with a part time summer job and training on conservation. We have received a $35,000 matching fund grant from National Forest Foundation which means any donation the chapter receives will be matched. The will be multiple opportunities for volunteer to get out and help. The projects helps mitigate our poor rainfall by getting more water in the soil vice running offWe also need Volunteers to help out on the B.A.N.W.R . on Dec 9 & 10 to build habitat and use dogs to help locate MBWQ.
Chapter Finances

Without a banquet this year we are working other sources of funding to support out habitat, public land and R3/Youth events. Every cent the chapter collects remains with the chapter for local work. We have applied for several grants. Here are ways chapter members can help:-Many of you renew your QF membership at our banquet. You can keep your membership current by by renewing at -Did you know you can give a portion of your IRA distribution directly to the chapter and that distribution remains tax free? Check with your advisor on how to do this.-Our banquet profit from merchandise, raffles and auctions averages about $100 per person. If you are able, consider a donation directly to the chapter. You can use a credit card at
Access to Public Lands:–

Meadow Valley road bypass is still moving forward slowly. The pacing factor is the environmental study required by NEPA. CNF road manager is working to have a road in place for the 21/22 season.
The conservation easement and public access easement on ranch land near Tombstone has been completed. This project is primarily funded by NRCS, AZ G&F and AZ Land and Water Trust It will open 2,100-acres of prime wildlife habitat to public recreation via a permanent conservation easement and public access easement. Both AZ QF Chapters provided funding plus we received a grant from AZSFWC.
Masked Bobwhite Quail (MBW) at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge (BANWR):

From Rebecca Chester: By the end of next week, we will have released about 700 chicks in 50 broods, with more to come in a few weeks. A big thanks to SAQF members, who continue to assist with projects like pen repairs and installing lines at wells to provide water for quail and other wildlife. Based on the results we saw last season any wild born chicks would be hatching now.
AZ Sportsman for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC) and Arizona Wildlife Federation (AWF):

SAQF is part of AZSFWC. You can sign up for their enews at This allows us to better coordinate with other wildlife groups and better communicate with AZ G&F leadership. We are part of over 10,000 AZ sportsman represented by this organization. We are also an affiliate of AWF which allows us to pool volunteer help and communicate with other wildlife and conservation organizations.
Please consider purchasing a AZSFWC license plate to support wildlife when you renew your current AZ plate through Service Arizona. The fee for this license supports the conservation grants provided by AZSFWC. Our Family Day/Youth Hunt has received AZSFWC grant support the last two years.
AZSFWC is raffling a new Ford Raptor truck to help pay overhead in place of raffles and auctions at their summit. Info on the raffle and tickets are available at
Chapter Website and Facebook:

If you see an error or have a recommendation for improvement, please let us know. We are always looking for pictures, stories or articles to add. We are working to add instagram to our social media offerings. If you see something that would be worthwhile to cross post, please send it to Dave Brown ( or Kerry Newberry (
Future dates:
- 20 Nov 2020 2nd Dove Season Opens
- 1 Dec Road Cleanup
- 4 Dec 2020 Mearns Opens
- 3 Jan Dove Closes
- 7 Feb 2021 Quail Closes
- 9 Feb Road Cleanup
- 27/28 Feb 2021 Family Day Empire Ranch